You probably know the most obvious ways to keep your property secure while you're away for an extended period of time. There are three expert tips you may not have considered when it comes to keeping your home safe during the holidays.
Keep a Car in Your Driveway A car in the driveway goes a long way toward making others believe you're home when you're not. If you're not traveling to your destination by car, leaving your car in your driveway while you're out is a great way to beef up security. If you are traveling by car, ask a friend or neighbor if they'd be willing to sit a car in your driveway while you're gone. Sweeten the pot by offering them a free car wash for their efforts when you get back!
Mind Your Curtains and Blinds You may believe that closing curtains and blinds while you're out on vacation will keep burglars away because they can't look into your home. In reality, it's a loud signal to thieves that you're not there. If you typically keep your blinds or curtains closed while you're home, keep them closed. However, if you open them during the day, make sure they're open during those times, even while you're not there. A house sitter or a friend can come by if available to open and close them as needed.
Get a Decoy Security System Home security systems can be incredibly expensive. If you don't have the means to purchase one, decoy systems can be just as effective, and often for far less of a cost. Putting up fake cameras, protection stickers, and decoy security signs can be enough to scare burglars away from your unoccupied property. If you want to beef this method up even more, placing a real hidden camera or two with the false ones can be a cost-effective way to keep an eye on your house.